JAKARTA: Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia selama ini dinilai belum inklusif sehingga tidak mampu menjawab masalah ketimpangan pendapatan masyarakat.
Kesenjangan perekonomian masih terjadi karena pemerintah dinilai belum serius berorientasi ke arah penciptaan ekonomi yang berkeadilan.
Demikan dikemukakan ekonom dari Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) Revrisond Baswir ketika dihubungi Kamis (6/1).
“Makanya, saya selalu mempertanyakan. Perekonomian Indonesia tumbuh sampai 6% itu yang tumbuh siapa? Kalau yang nikmati cuma pemilik rekening Rp5 miliar ke atas, buat apa. Rakyat banyak enggak tumbuh,” ujarnya.
Dari data BPS 2010, rasio gini Indonesia hanya turun tipis 0,12 selama lima tahun terakhir. Rasio gini pada 2010 tercatat 0,331, sementara pada 2005 di level 0,343.
Namun, juga terungkap bahwa perbaikan pendapatan hanya terjadi di perkotaan, dari 0,362 pada 2009 menjadi 0,352 pada 2010. Sebaliknya, ketimpangan pendapatan masyarakat di pedesaan justru semakin melebar dengan rasio gini naik dari 0,288 menjadi 0,297.
Revrisond juga mengingatkan Badan Pusat Statistik untuk tidak merekayasa data-data statistik terkait tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia. Sebab, rasio gini yang dipaparkan BPS pada 2010 sebesar 0,331, masih dalam angka moderat.
Namun, jika melihat data Dana Pihak Ketiga Perbankan (DPK) nasional terbaru, terlihat bahwa tingkat kesenjangan masyarakat masih sangat besar, jauh di atas yang terungkap dalam rasio gini versi BPS.
Per November 2010, berdasarkan data simpanan bank umum, pertumbuhan
jumlah pemilik segmen rekening terbesar (Rp5 miliar ke atas) tercatat paling sedikit, namun penambahan nilai simpanannya tercatat paling besar.
Dari sisi jumlah rekening November dibanding Oktober, kenaikan jumlah akun rekening terbesar terjadi pada segmen nominal 0-Rp100 juta, sebesar 455.937 rekening baru. Sementara segmen nominal lebih dari Rp5 Miliar paling kecil dari semua segmen, yakni 1.087 rekening.
Namun, jika dilihat dari nominalnya nilai simpanan, rekening Rp5 miliar ke atas masih menguasai 39,52% DPK. Sementara rekening di bawah Rp100 juta hanya menguasai 17,38% DPK. Rata-rata isi rekening di bawah Rp100 juta ini juga justru turun dari Rp4,13 juta jadi Rp4,12 juta per rekening. (OL-9)
those who make WHO make those
the holidays meaningful. the holidays meaningful.
We wish you all the love and happiness We wish you all the love and happiness
this season can bring. bring cans this season.
May it follow you throughout May it follow you Throughout
the coming Year. the coming Year.
The Ryans The Ryans
Gary, Maureen, and Alicia Gary, Maureen, and Alicia
Season filled with warmth, Season filled with warmth,
comfort and good cheer! comfort and good CHEER!
Katie, Mark & Zoe Baker Katie, Mark & Zoe Baker
come careening over to say... come careening over to say ...
...here's to sliding into a daring, ... Here's to sliding into a online,
fun, adventurous fun, Adventures
New Year and here's to landing on your feet. New Year and here's to a landing on your feet.
of the holiday season stretch on! of the holiday season stretch on!
Cindy, Mike & Troy Matthews Cindy, Mike & Troy Matthews
Holiday Season Holiday Season
and a New Year and a New Year
of Peace and Happiness. of Peace and Happiness.
Craig and Kelly Parks Craig and Kelly Parks
Peace and Love Peace and Love
Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays!
Mark and Beth Hoover Mark and Beth Hoover
and Best Wishes and Best Wishes
for a Wonderful Holiday for a Wonderful Holiday
and a very and a very
Happy New Year. Happy New Year.
Joe and Sara Conroy Joe and Sara Conroy
and Best Wishes and Best Wishes
for a New Year. for a New Year.
The Baldwin's The Baldwin's
of this Holiday Season of this Holiday Season
Peace, Hope and Love Peace, Hope and Love
Tom and Laura Peters Tom and Laura Peters
and best wishes for a new and best wishes for a new
year of happiness in a world of peace year of happiness in a world of peace
Travis and Jennifer Dunn Travis and Jennifer Dunn
this holiday season! this holiday season!
Peter and Katie Toth Peter and Katie Toth
wishes you and all wishes you and all
those close to you those close to you
a joyous holiday season a Joyous holiday season
and a New Year and a New Year
of happiness and hope of happiness and hope
for a world of peace. for a world of peace.
Chad, Kim, Dan and Sam Chad, Kim, Dan and Sam
The warmth of the Season, The warmth of the Season,
the beauty of the Season, The beauty of the Season,
the memories of the Season, The memories of the Season,
and the joy of the Season and the joy of the Season
May you have peace and happiness May you have peace and happiness
this Holiday Season this Holiday Season
Tom, Julie, Jan and Angie Tom, Julie, Jan and Angie
enjoy all the warmth enjoy all the warmth
this season has to offer. this season has to offer.
Have a wonderful Holiday Have a wonderful Holiday
and a New Year filled with love. and a New Year filled with love.
Chad, Cindy, Brad and Tom Chad, Cindy, Brad and Tom
Whatever is meaningful, Whatever is meaningful,
Whatever brings happiness... Whatever Brings happiness ...
May it be yours this Holiday Season May it be yours this Holiday Season
and throughout the coming year. and Throughout the coming year.
Jeff, Meg, Sara and Peter Jeff, Meg, Sara and Peter
with the most precious of gifts. with the most precious of gifts.
Greg, Lisa, Joel and Karen Greg, Lisa, Joel and Karen
the Davidson family sends you The Davidson family sends you
their warmest wishes. Their warmest wishes.
May you find the true spirit of the May you find the true spirit of the
season and may it fill your heart season and May it fill your heart
with joy. with joy.
Jack, Jill and Sandy Jack, Jill and Sandy
and see each day EACH day-and-see
and other loved ones and other loved ones
far away. far away.
To all good friends To all good friends
who mean so much WHO mean so much
and those with whom and those with whom
we're out of touch... we're out of touch ...
Wishing you every happiness this Wishing you every happiness this
holiday season and throughout holiday season and Throughout
the coming year. the coming year.
The Thompsons The Thompsons
be filled with be filled with
sparkles and spirit. sparkles and spirit.
The Matthews Family The Matthews Family
Sam, Sara, Chad, Brad and Katie Sam, Sara, Chad, Brad and Katie
all during the season and on During all the season and on
through the New Year! through the New Year!